The TROY project 

 Looking for co-orbital bodies to known extrasolar planets



List of posters and talks given at national and international conferences



2021 and before

  • The role of TROY in the ESPRESSO Science Team -- Jorge Lillo-Box (February 2020)
    Science Team Meeting, Palermo (Italy)
  • TROY: co-orbital exoplanets with CARMENES -- Jorge Lillo-Box (November 2019)
    11th Science Meeting
  • Glory or Death. TOI-178b,c: either the first co-orbital planets or just two false positives -- Jorge Lillo-Box (August 2019)
    Extreme Solar Systems IV
    , Iceland
    TESS Science Conference I, Boston (USA)
  • The TROY project: a search for exotrojans -- Jorge Lillo-Box (July 2018)
    XIII Reunión Científica de la
  • A search for exotrojan planets -- Jorge Lillo-Box (July 2017)
    Transiting Exoplantes, University of Keele (UK)
  • A search for exotrojan planets -- Jorge Lillo-Box (July 2017)
    CHEOPS Science Workshop #5, Austria
  • TROY: looking for orbit mates of extrasolar planets -- Jorge Lillo-Box (July 2016)
    XII Reunión Científica de la SEA, Bilbao (Spain)
  • TROY: Looking for the first exotrojan planets -- Jorge Lillo-Box (July 2016)
    Exoplanets I, Davos (Switzerland)
  • Looking for the first co-orbital exoplanet: synnergies between CHEOPS and TROY -- Jorge Lillo-Box (July 2016)
    CHEOPS Science Workshop #4, Geneva (Switzerland)


List of seminars given by TROY team members on co-orbital bodies:

  • Exoplanetas co-orbitales: el caballo de Troya cósmico -- Jorge Lillo-Box (Junio 2023)
    SOMA Sociedad Mexicana de Astrobiología (online)
  • The hunt for co-orbital exoplanets -- Jorge Lillo-Box (February 2022), Link
    STScI, Baltimore (US), online

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